Game Development
Game-related Libraries
An OCaml module providing thin bindings to the
2.0 library. SDL provides a cross-platform interface for graphics, sound, fonts, and game controller input. This library usesctypes
, and therefore requires less work to track changes to the C SDL libraries.- tsdl-ttf: Support for SDL’s truetype font library.
- tsdl-mixer: Support for the sound mixer component of TSDL.
- tsdl-image: Support for the image-loading component of SDL.
- OCamlSDL2:
Bindings to the
2.0 library using the traditional C ffi rather thanctypes
, and therefore will produce warnings and errors if there are API changes. Bindings (possibly incomplete) exist also for:- OCamlSDL2_TTF: Support for SDL2’s truetype font library.
- OCamlSDL2_Mixer: Support for the sound mixer component of OCamlSDL2.
- OCamlSDL2_Image: Support for the image-loading component of SDL2.
- OCamlSDL2_Gfx: Support for graphics primitives for SDL2.
- OCamlSDL2_Net: Support for the network library for SDL2. (Currently only provides UPD.)
- OCamlSDL:
Bindings to the older
v1.2 suite, includingSDL_image
See Graphics
Game Engines
- ocaml-orx: Bindings to the orx game engine.
- raylib: Bindings to the raylib game library.
- Reprocessing:
A Reason 2d graphics library inspired by Processing.
. - gocaml: A lightweight Go engine
- camlcards: A card game engine
- OCaml Invader: Hackathon Space Invader clone written in OCaml and OpenGL.
- Ascend: OCaml rogue-like game implementation.
- Shatter:
Simple game written using the
engine. - Wanderers: A rogue-like written in OCaml using SDL.
- WeiDU: A program used to mod Infinity Engine games such as Baldur’s Gate.
- CamlBoy:
GameBoy emulator written purely in OCaml.
- Fascinating article on the emulator.
- Flappy: A demonstration of a Flappy-bird like game using FRP.
- A blog about game development in OCaml
- Snóke, a snake game with new ideas
- AFTN, a terminal-based clone of the “ALIEN: Fate of The Nostromo” turn-based RPG board game