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Documenting everything about OCaml


Security and Cryptography

  • ocaml-tls: TLS in pure OCaml.
  • awa-ssh (WIP): SSH implementation in OCaml, for Mirage.
  • ocaml-libssh: Bindings to libssh.
  • Digestif: Hash algorithms (like SHA* or BLAKE2*) in OCaml and C.
  • cryptokit: The Cryptokit library for OCaml provides a variety of cryptographic primitives that can be used to implement cryptographic protocols in security-sensitive applications.
  • nocrypto: A small cryptographic library behind the ocaml-tls project. It is built to be straightforward to use, adhere to functional programming principles and able to run in a Xen-based unikernel.
    • The differences between nocrypto and cryptokit cryptographic libraries are described in this blog post
  • u2f: The server protocol for U2F, two-factor authentication using specialized devices. docs