Static Analysis
Like compilation, static analysis is another domain where OCaml excels.
OCaml Analysis
- Ocamllint - Ocamllint detects common errors in OCaml code
- Mascot - Mascot is a style-checker for OCaml sources
- BetterErrors - BetterErrors improves error messages of the OCaml compiler (Make OCaml Errors Great Again.)
Other Languages
- pfff – pfff is a set of tools and APIs to perform some static analysis, dynamic analysis, code visualizations, code navigations, or style-preserving source-to-source transformations such as refactorings on source code.
- infer - infer is a static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C
- flow - flow is a static type checker for JavaScript
- BAP - BAP is a reverse engineering and program analysis platform that targets binary programs.
- SLAyer - SLAyer is an automatic formal verification tool that uses separation logic to verify memory safety of C programs.
- MemCAD - MemCAD is an abstract interpreter for shape analysis. MemCAD can verify C programs manipulating complex data structures.